30.04.2021. Grad Zabok

Project flyer

The project “Construction of wastewater collection and drainage system of Zabok drainage system and Zlatar drainage system” envisages the construction of a total of 167 km of new gravity collectors, 4.73 km of pressure pipelines, 60 pumping stations, 53 overflows and other hydraulic structures, 78 crossings, 5,875 preparations for house connections and recovery of 12.35 km of the existing collector. The construction of two large wastewater treatment plants (WWTP Zabok 36.940 PE (population equivalent) and WWTP Zlatar Bistrica 14.690 PE, III. stage of treatment) and a plant for solar sludge drying are planned.

Project title

“Construction of wastewater collection and drainage system Zabok drainage system and Zlatar drainage system “

Grant Agreement Reference Number

KK The project is co-financed by EU funds under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020.

Total investment value of the project

598.099.185,26 HRK

Total eligible costs

478.479.348,21 HRK

EU co – financing of the project

321.355.962,44 HRK

Project implementation period

01.01.2014. – 30.06.2023.

Project flyer