23.02.2023. Grad Zabok

Mini presentations are currently taking place in elementary schools as part of the project “Construction of a wastewater collection and drainage system for the Zabok drainage system and the Zlatar drainage system”

Representatives from company Projekt jednako razvoj d.o.o. on behalf of Zagorski vodovod are conducting these presentations, which are aimed at the elementary school population in order to help them understand the purpose and goal of the project: the importance of preserving drinking water and proper disposal and treatment of wastewater.

The second mini presentation of the project was held on Tuesday, February 14th, for 3rd-grade students at the Donja Stubica Elementary School. The students showed great interest in the lecture and reviewed the prepared brochure, as well as watched a presentation on the functioning of the public drainage system and the improvements that the project will bring to the system. After the presentation, the students had the opportunity to ask questions.

This educational-promotional activity plans to cover a total of 10 elementary schools in the project area.